Monthly Archives: May 2016

Tabletmag: What Fuels Trump-Supporting Twitter Trolls?

Tabletmag: “Examining the identity politics that drive Trump backers to harrass Jewish writers online.” I am a public Orthodox Jew who’s in touch with all parts of the Alt-Right. I wear a yarmulke and my tzitzit out when I meet … Continue reading

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Male Vs Female Forms of Group Cohesion

From the Chateau: Recall the aphorism, “Men invade, women invite“. I wrote not too long ago that Western White women are at the forefront of pushing open borders multikult annihilation. Now, reader Passerby forwards a study (with commentary) which provides … Continue reading

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Why The Alt-Right Is Kicking Ass And Taking Names

From the Chateau: One reason (among many) the alt-right is burrowing into the softcore ids of shitlibs and cuckservatives and laying realtalk larvae that will chew its way out through their stunted amygdalas is that the alt-right is an amorphous, … Continue reading

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Dear White People

John Rivers tweets: * Dear White People. At the peak of Slavery only 1.5% of Whites owned slaves. Stop apologizing. * Dear White People, Thanks for discovering & inventing pretty much all of Science & Technology. * 9 year study: … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Blacks, Crime, IQ, Whites | Comments Off on Dear White People

The Battle Of Indiana

Comments to Steve Sailer: * On the day after The Battle of Indiana, this is not a coincidence. The Donald does tend to generate energy wherever he goes, like swelling the ranks of Republican voters in primaries. Let us hope … Continue reading

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