Monthly Archives: May 2016

Emma Barton: I went looking for Trump supporters and I found white supremacists

Emma writes: Another bystander brings up Hitler. First, he dismisses the question as being historical and therefore irrelevant, he says he’s looking to the future instead. So, I ask, seven times before getting a straight answer, if he condemns the … Continue reading

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Poland Abolishes Anti-Racism Watchdog

From Breitbart: Poland’s landslide-elected right-wing government has abolished the national Council Against Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. The Law and Justice (PiS) party this week scrapped a public body designed to fight racism and investigate “hate crimes”, citing its … Continue reading

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Massacring Natives Is Usually Necessary To Take Over A Land And Develop Your Own Civilization

In the Torah, God commanded the Israelites to wipe out the original inhabitants of Canaan so they could take it over and develop their own civilization. Whites had to do the same thing in America and Australia. There’s rarely an … Continue reading

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Trump Vs Hillary

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I agree that Trump’s victory is part of a wave of nationalist and immigration-skeptical politics gaining strength in many democracies this year, for good reasons. One thing though that explains Trump, but also probably obscured … Continue reading

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Nate Silver 2015: Donald Trump’s Six Stages Of Doom

Nate Silver writes in August of 2015: The lesson, rather, is that Trump’s campaign will fail by one means or another. Like Cain, Bachmann and Gingrich, Buchanan, Huckabee and Forbes came nowhere close to winning the Republican nomination. If you … Continue reading

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