Monthly Archives: May 2016

Trump & Sanders Win Again

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The Republican Presumptive Nominee keeps racking up even bigger victories. The Democratic Presumptive Nominee keeps losing primaries? * Trump is sitting pretty and looking good with everyone he needs except suburban women…Hillz and the Dems … Continue reading

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Do You Want To Live In A World Without Borders?

Steve Sailer writes: The world today is organized around the principle of nationalism, with which Trump identifies. All land except the South Pole and (on paper) the West Bank and the Golan Heights is divided up under the dominion of … Continue reading

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The Ferguson Effect

Politico: FBI Director James Comey is again sounding the alarm about a surge in murders in several American cities and is publicly complaining that the problem isn’t getting much national media attention because the victims are minorities who live in … Continue reading

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Why George Washington Would Have Agreed With Donald Trump

Michael Hirsch writes for Politico: For all the lamentation about the level of rhetoric in this Trumped-up election year, the race between Donald Trump and all-but-certain Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is already shaping up to be a debate over America’s … Continue reading

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Would President Donald Trump be good for Israel?

My primary question is whether Donald Trump would be good for America. As far as I know, Donald Trump is running to be president of the United States, not the prime minister of Israel. His primary concern should be America’s … Continue reading

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