Monthly Archives: May 2016

Red State: Why is the Center for Immigration Studies publishing an “alt right” racist?

Red State: I’ve been warning for a while now that the John Tanton universe of Malthusian, anti-immigration groups – FAIR, NumbersUSA, and the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) – are not our friends. They don’t promote conservatives ideas, and we … Continue reading

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Taylor Swift Is An Alt-Right Pop Icon

Milo writes: That’s probably the closest I’ll ever come to writing a BuzzFeed headline. But it’s true! Taylor Swift does have a sizeable and very vocal fan club within the alternative right. At first glance, there’s nothing much that separates … Continue reading

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Homophobia vs. Islamophobia

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WP: A Jewish school bus — and old tensions — allegedly set aflame by young black males in N.Y. neighborhood

Washington Post: The New York Police Department announced on Tuesday that they are seeking five individuals in connection with the suspected arson, which took place in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights neighborhood Sunday evening. AS the bus was empty, no one was … Continue reading

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WP: The one thing rich parents do for their kids that makes all the difference

Comments to Steve Sailer: * …it’s not just whites that have inter-white wars. People in every country struggle for power. Race just adds an extra fault line because people feel more kinship (literally) to people who look more like them. … Continue reading

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