Monthly Archives: May 2016

The Miscegenation Indoctrination Machine Is Fully Functional

From the Chateau: This ad from T-Mobile is just one example of the avalanche of miscegenation propaganda that’s been spilling out of the marketing departments of nearly every major American corporation and media organ for the past ten years, and … Continue reading

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High Investment Parenting


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The Omerta Olympics

Mickey Kaus writes: Even apolitical owners of big, mainstream media outlets typically don’t like to bring up the immigration debate. At the very least it’s “divisive.” More important, reporting on, say, support for a border wall could alienate new, growing … Continue reading

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ESPN: How NFL Quarterbacks Are Nurtured

Comments to Steve Sailer: * None of this indicates that it’s nurture. People with good work ethics and the drive to be successful in any field are generally going to have good genetics, which means they will come from relatively … Continue reading

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Paralegal school – is it worth it? Probably not.

Comments: * For me, going to paralegal school was the first of a series of several bad decisions that I made. * The job market for paralegals is, and has been, terrible. Paralegals have lost their jobs. Paralegal work has … Continue reading

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