Monthly Archives: May 2016

‘René and Juan Carlos set out to convert their Colombian megachurch to Orthodox Judaism. This is what happened.’

Essay: With its decaying two-story homes and grazing cows, Bello looks like just another sleepy suburb of Medellín, Colombia. Thirty years ago, though, it was known as la capital de los sicarios, the capital of the assassins. Pablo Escobar, the … Continue reading

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This Is It!

Many would-be converts to Judaism think Judaism is it! Then they convert and their enthusiasm dies out. It’s like a man chasing a hot woman. Once he gets her he wants something else… FFB friend: “If only you had the … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The O.J. Simpson Story Is About Violent White Racism Toward Black Bodies

Comments at Steve Sailer: * To be fair, Black men beat the ever loving hell out of Black women way more than they do white women. Black women are almost totally inured to it. Many, if not most, Black women … Continue reading

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Condi Rice For VP

Comment: * Does Condi Rice have much appeal to anyone but neocons? One of the problems with her is that black politicians are disinclined to stick with the program if it’s going to get in the way of their blackness. … Continue reading

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Kelly Ripa’s Son Was So Over-Exposed to Homosexuals Getting ‘Married’ that He Thought Normal, Heterosexual Marriage Might Be Illegal — She Tells GLAAD

LINK: Kelly Ripa is in the news is for something that is–from an eternal Truth perspective–far less significant and newsworthy than the heart-breaking story below. Because this story involves the moral and spiritual confusion of a boy raised in a … Continue reading

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