Monthly Archives: May 2016

Spot The Alpha President-Elect

From the Chateau: Three “power brokers” with their hands in pockets, and one doing the fig leaf over his crotch. Classic beta male body language tells. Trump, meanwhile, is the only man in the room with his hands out, gesticulating … Continue reading

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New York Times Investigates Blacks Killing Blacks

New York Times: Over all, though, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected assailants whose race could be identified were black. Some experts suggest that helps explain why the drumbeat of dead and wounded does not inspire more outrage. “Clearly, if … Continue reading

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Right Vs Left

Comments posted at Steve Sailer: There is a right-wing, nationalist electoral trend both in Europe and in America. But in real-life terms the left-wing trend continues – the number of third-worlders in Western countries keeps growing, WWG and WWT were … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Another BLM Fiasco: White Bicycle Cop in Baltimore Acquitted

Comments posted at Steve Sailer: * Freddy was a slip and fall scam artist. And his family won the ghetto lottery, they got a six million dollar payout from the city. * Too many Blacks try to resist or escape … Continue reading

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One Man’s Liberation Is Another Man’s Destruction

Washington Times: Islamic State aims to destroy Israel, ‘liberate’ Jerusalem with Sinai Peninsula terrorist force Arabs and Muslims, not just ISIS, want to destroy the Jewish state of Israel because they believe that land belongs to them. For this crowd, … Continue reading

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