Monthly Archives: May 2016

Some Hollywood Jews Tried To Molest Shirley Temple

When Catholic priests molest kids, it is always pointed out that they are Catholic priests. When Hollywood Jews and rabbis molest, their identities should be pointed out too. Shirley Temple writes in her book Child Star: An Autobiography of multiple … Continue reading

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Russian Programmers Are Pretty Good

Comments at Anatoly Karlin: * On the contrary, programming competitions (as with programming in general) are extremely g-loaded. They’re basically really difficult IQ tests for programmers. Anyone with a bachelor-equivalent computer science background (probably less) would be able to grasp … Continue reading

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Neo-Nazis worship Taylor Swift as an ‘Aryan Goddess’ who’s turning America on to fascism — here’s why

LINK: The rise of Donald Trump has been a major boost to the so-called “alt-right” faction of American conservatism that is basically a reheated form of neo-Nazism that happens to include a lot of anime memes. But while Trump is … Continue reading

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Jewish groups: Austrian far-right pol’s narrow presidential loss is wake-up call

I wonder if the leaders of these Jewish groups know anything about Judaism, a religion that contains thousands of teachings that would seem to outsiders as far out, extreme, bizarre and even evil. If European Jewish groups are united against … Continue reading

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America’s Declining Social Capital

As America becomes more diverse, Americans have less trust in each other. New York Times: One of the more intriguing findings was the role of declining social trust and what is known as social capital — the web of family, … Continue reading

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