Monthly Archives: May 2016

SJW Jett Goldsmith: ‘Oh my, and you live in the same state as me. Hold on while I capture your tweets and get you fired.’

Here is the Twitter account for Jett Goldsmith: “News Editor at Neowin, formerly of @Conflicts. Student of international affairs. Occasional contributor to @Bellingcat. Tweets on Syria, geopolitics, and tech.” This guy reminds me of Ben Shapiro who said: “Of course … Continue reading

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Taylor Swift Is Not a Nazi

Some people are easy to troll. Rachel Shukert writes: Among other stupid and hateful proclamations, a popular white supremacist blogger said Taylor Swift is an ‘Aryan Goddess’ who is ‘secretly a Nazi’ Have you ever looked at Taylor Swift’s Instagram—her … Continue reading

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Jewish Racial Purity

Adam Kirsch writes about tractate Kiddushin, the current portion of the Talmud studied in the daily practice of “Daf Yomi” — a folio page of Talmud a day: …21st-century geneticists discovered what they called the Cohen Modal Haplotype, a set … Continue reading

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Forward: The Outrageous Jewish Hypocrisy of Ivanka Trump — Not To Mention Donald and Melania

For Bethany Mandel and those who share her feelings, this election is a train wreck. For about half of America, however, this election is unfolding beautifully. Different groups have different interests. Bethany has chosen the losing side. I wonder if … Continue reading

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Why Do Jewish Leaders Keep Ignoring Ultra-Orthodox Education Crisis?

Forward: The New York State Legislature is currently considering two bills, one introduced by Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee in early May , the other by Sen. David Carlucci and Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski in January , to strengthen existing legislation requiring nonpublic … Continue reading

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