Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Return Of Andrew Sullivan

Steve Sailer writes: Via Marginal Revolution, pundit Andrew Sullivan announces he is coming out of his sudden retirement to write for New York Magazine. The most interesting article Andrew Sullivan ever wrote was a long one in the NYT Magazine … Continue reading

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Will Larry Summers Take the High Road or the Low Road in Fighting Political Correctness?

Steve Sailer writes: As I’ve been saying for a long time, the crucial “swing vote” not in numbers but in influence are ethnocentric center-left Jews, such as Larry Summers. For example, the continued growth of political correctness, diversity, and, lately, … Continue reading

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The Transgender: Normalizing MENTAL ILLNESS

Remember Mike Penner? The LA Times sportswriter who became Christine Daniels. He was lauded as brave and held up as a role model, then when he became disillusioned and started writing as a Mike Penner again, no one talked about … Continue reading

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Tolerating Islam, Turning A Blind Eye To Rape

REPORT: Leftwing newspaper Aftonbladet quickly removed the video of the two men when they were arrested for gang rape of a Swedish girl. In the interview you hear one of them telling how they will “Fuck them, fuck the students” … Continue reading

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Working The System

A woman tells me: Thank you for your informative blog about rabbi… We are currently being sued by a “religious Jew.” Because of our lifetime friendship with a jewish woman that recently passed. Because of her will and estate we … Continue reading

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