Monthly Archives: April 2016

Better Call Saul

Comments: * Syon do you watch Better Call Saul which takes place in majority Hispanic New Mexico? Notice how how extremely White the law firm Hamlin & McGill is. The only Hispanic you see in that firm is the janitor … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jewish radio show used in FBI sting

USA Today: The FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office used an Orthodox Jewish radio program in an elaborate sting operation that helped the government convict Malcolm Smith and other New York politicians in a corruption scandal, a four-month investigation by The … Continue reading

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Did Megyn Kelly Have An Affair With Brit Hume?

Charles Johnson writes in 2015: Anyway, in 2012 an adviser to Roger Ailes told me that Megyn Kelly and Brit Hume were having an affair. In 2014 a crisis PR official based in New York & hired by News Corp … Continue reading

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COPS: Fields’s BF Used Family Ties To Push Prosecution, Video Confirms Secret Service Report

Charles Johnson writes: New video evidence confirms that Michelle Fields was, in fact, told to back up by Secret Service during that infamous Trump rally in Jupiter, Florida. has two different police sources that have told us that Michelle … Continue reading

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The Many Faces Of The Cuck

Dennis Dale: “Trump offended Mexicans and Muslims, so if he wins I’m leaving the country.” “For Mexico, or a Muslim country?” “What, you fucking crazy?” Blog: …progressives believe in social justice, just like SJWS, but aren’t as humorless or hysterical … Continue reading

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