Monthly Archives: April 2016

Signs Of Apollo


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Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America

Steve Sailer writes: Brandeis historian David Hackett Fischer’s 1989 book Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America is perhaps the most influential in recent American historiography. If you’ve been meaning to read it but haven’t yet gotten around to its … Continue reading

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WP: The disgustingly obscene ‘everyday’ harassment of sports media women: A lesson for men.

Are we supposed to treat women the same as men? Give them the same opportunities and require from them the same responsibility? If so, the following complaints are nonsense. Male sportswriters are subjected to at least as much nasty criticism, … Continue reading

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Conservative Pundit

From his twitter: * The Republican base is embarrassingly out of touch with its pundit class. * Our ancestors endured ice ages and plagues, famine and war—all in the hopes that one day we’d spread their values to Iraqis via … Continue reading

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Gratuitous Hatred Is Destroying Republicans

Dennis Prager writes Mar. 1, 2016: I have been a radio talk show host for 33 years, nationally syndicated for 18. I have never experienced anything similar to what I am experiencing now. Until recently, the only hate mail I … Continue reading

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