Monthly Archives: April 2016

Trump Is Nasty and Probably Stupid, Too — but Better than Hillary

I don’t hear much introspection from Dennis Prager about how he totally missed the rise of Donald Trump, how he never expected Trump to dominate the race. This column doesn’t get it. Trump’s stand is on nationalism, protecting America from … Continue reading

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Ties Of Blood And Soil

Steve Sailer tweets: “NYT writer can’t quite figure out Joe Lieberman and GW Bush came up with “Homeland” because the word sounds Israeli.” There’s a great exchange in the Robert DeNiro movie The Good Shepherd about the creation of the … Continue reading

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The WASP Question

A review of Andrew Fraser’s book in the 2012 Salisbury Review: ‘The few proudly Anglo-Saxon patriots scattered around the world are now political pariahs’, declares Andrew Fraser in The WASP Question. ‘In an age of diversity, they are the invisible … Continue reading

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Andrew Fraser writes in his 2011 book The WASP Question: This book seeks to explain why WASPs (a subtly, perhaps deservedly derogatory acronym coined sometime in the late Fifties to denote White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) rarely rise to the conscious, principled … Continue reading

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Your Phone vs. Your Heart

This rings true to me. My natural tendency is to isolate, and when I do, I get weirder and have a more difficult time relating to others. New York Times: Our ingrained habits change us. Neurons that fire together, wire … Continue reading

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