Monthly Archives: April 2016

Life Is Duty

Comments: It reminds me of the blurb from the Xenophobe’s Guide to Germany (which I haven’t read – I read the Swiss one, and found it hilariously accurate) – which is of course not meant to be accurate, instead to … Continue reading

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What Is Sex?

Comments: * Biologically, sex is sexual intercourse between individuals of opposite sex. Neither sodomy, cunnilingus, fellatio, nor masturbation are sex. They are the words I just used. Sex is a highly specific word that is innately joined (pun intended) to … Continue reading

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Jamaica Needs Black Lives Matter

Comments: * Black lives matter but only if they are killed by a White person. There is a reason why Black Lies Matter does not exist in Jamaica for example, which has one of the highest murder rates in the … Continue reading

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French BDS activists convicted of Holocaust denial

When opinions become crimes. This is what some Jewish groups such as the ADL and the SWC want to bring to America. REPORT: Two Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) activists were convicted by a Montpellier court for incitement and Holocaust … Continue reading

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Monotheistic Religions May Encourage Paternal Investment

From the Chateau: Twatter tartlet @clairlemon passes along a study sure to get on the nerves of neckbeard atheists and secular anti-Christian (((feminists))). She writes, Interesting paper suggests that monotheistic religion is a paternity-certainty facilitator. With paternity certainty, comes paternal … Continue reading

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