Monthly Archives: April 2016

John Podhoretz Keeps It Classy

The editor of Commentary magazine! Of course he did. You think he doesn't know he's a shithead scumbag? — John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) April 11, 2016

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Wisdom From Underearners Anonymous

* The quality of your mental health depends upon your ability to level with yourself. * If underearning is about hiding, prosperity is about sustained authentic visibility. * What we anticipate, we get. * Underearning equals compulsive hiding. * Set … Continue reading

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When Did The KKK Last Lynch Someone?

Comment: I think it is generally agreed the last authentic lynching of a negro by white Klansmen was around 1964 or so. A single episode. Over fifty years ago now. The SPLC likes to say some killing of a colored … Continue reading

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Will Israel Expand?

Comments: Israel is free to entertain expansion and assess the risks and benefits thereof. However, even nations with a rich, past history of conquest are entitled to ask themselves whether it’s a good idea to be involved now in any … Continue reading

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Aborigines & Crime

From Wikipedia: Indigenous Australians commit crimes and are imprisoned at a disproportionately high rate in Australia. According to one source, there is “gross overrepresentation of Indigenous offenders at all stages of the criminal justice system”.[1] The 2006 census documented that … Continue reading

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