Monthly Archives: April 2016

List of Bitter “Conservative” Losers Who Say They Will Never Back Trump

Report: Here is the full list the Hill Reported. Rep. Justin Amash (Mich.) Gov. Charlie Baker (Mass.) Glenn Beck, radio host Michael Berry, radio host Max Boot, former foreign policy adviser to Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) Brent Bozell, conservative activist … Continue reading

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White Woman Julia Ioffe Outraged When Blacks Criticize Themselves

Julia Ioffe writes for The New Republic: Last Thursday, the rapper Nelly went on the air of his hometown hip-hop radio station, St. Louis’s Hot 104.1, to announce a college scholarship fund for local teens in honor of Michael Brown, … Continue reading

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Where Are The Mexican Doctors?

I was watching the documentary Code Black about life in the emergency room at LA County Hospital and there’s not one black doctor nor one Mexican doctor. Most of the doctors are white with the occasional asian. REPORT: The “Code … Continue reading

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Is Diversity a Strength for America?

From Jared Taylor’s remarks at a debate at Kentucky State University. I’d like to thank Will Reilly for inviting me to speak to you today. I used to get a lot of invitations to speak on college campuses, but they … Continue reading

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Republicans Need New Intellectuals

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Part of the problem is that the nationalist, isolationist & race realist ideas are too close to common sense to signal elite intellectualism. If the regular folk are saying X, the intelligentsia must distinguish themselves … Continue reading

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