Monthly Archives: April 2016

The Wit & Wisdom Of Ann Coulter

From her Twitter account: * Immigrants seamlessly assimilate to the Anglo-Saxon political process & abandon violent Latin American agitation. * They should tell those rioters at Trump rallies that it’s actually a job fair. That oughtta keep ’em away. * … Continue reading

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‘Make America Mexico Again’: We Warned You About America-Hating Mobs

Lee Stranahan writes: Since the advent of the of the Occupy Wall Street movement and continuing though the rise of Black Lives Matter, Breitbart News has been warning and educating our audience about the real nature of the radical protest … Continue reading

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Jared: #WHCD is all about attacking Trump to a room full of media who refuse to report a single child raped by illegals

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Mexico Is Sending Us Colonists, Not Immigrants

Tom Tancredo writes: “Mexico First” has been the open, avowed policy of the government of Mexico for a generation, and Mexico expects its former residents to be loyal to Mexico for the next 200 years. Yet, when Donald Trump calls … Continue reading

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Reddit: By deporting illegals, California would be able to subsidize college tuition by $25,000 annually for over 1 million students

More. Report: Californians bear an enormous fiscal burden as a result of an illegal alien population estimated at almost 3 million residents. The annual expenditure of state and local tax dollars on services for that population is $25.3 billion. That … Continue reading

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