Monthly Archives: April 2016

Do Body Counts Determine Morality?

Orli writes on Facebook: Sanders may be a decent man, but psychological research in moral development shows us that using only a body count to determine morality, reeks of moral confusion at best, and is immoral at worst. Decades of … Continue reading

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How Does The World Work?

These ruminations were inspired by a recent David Klinghoffer blog post. I assume that you accept evolution. (With Dennis Prager, I believe that God created evolution.) I notice that the more I use evolution to explain the world, the less … Continue reading

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The Intellectual Origins Of The Alt-Right

Roman Dmowski writes: The 9/11 attacks found only two groups with a coherent explanation and proposed strategy: paleoconservatives, who suggested a limited punitive campaign coupled with immigration restriction, and the neoconservatives, who supported an ambitious and “idealist” campaign deliberately designed … Continue reading

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What Will Follow Donald Trump?

From It also opens the door for a more sophisticated future candidate, one reared on alt-right arguments rather than stumbling into them the way Trump has. Such a candidate could effectively whip up an alt-right base of support, but … Continue reading

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What Is Neo-Reaction?

From Let’s start with the most theoretically minded, and probably most interesting, branch of the alt-right: the neoreactionaries. In 2007, a writer with the pen name Mencius Moldbug (né Curtis Yarvin) started a blog called Unqualified Reservations. He proceeded … Continue reading

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