Monthly Archives: April 2016

Israel vs America

In many ways, Israel is a much healthier and more serious nation than the United States. Israel has a serious wall to stop illegal immigrants, America does not. Israel is run for the benefit of its majority population — Jews, … Continue reading

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The Hate Speech Doctrine

Comments to Steve Sailer: * We’re probably witnessing the development of a “hate speech” doctrine to swallow the First Amendment in real time. There is already broad support for such a thing in the academy, in law schools, and among … Continue reading

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Trump staffers face threat of blacklist

Politico: When Matt Braynard signed on to run Donald Trump’s data team last fall, he got an email from a veteran GOP operative to whom he was close warning, “You realize once you go Trumptard, your career in GOP politics … Continue reading

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First They Ignore You…

Richard Spencer tweets: First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fundraise off you. Then they beg you for mercy…

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I Still Got It

Some guys thought this woman had the hots for me, so her friend called her about me and after he reminded her who I was and where I was sitting, she said, “Oh, is he straight?”

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