Monthly Archives: April 2016

Asians, Free Speech & Common Sense

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Mari Matsuda, the first female of Asian descent to become tenured law professor in the US. It is she who has called for hate speech laws to only apply to speech against “historically marginalized populations.” … Continue reading

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Jews & Capitalism

Professor Jerry Z. Muller wrote an important book: Capitalism and the Jews From * The unique historical relationship between capitalism and the Jews is crucial to understanding modern European and Jewish history. But the subject has been addressed less … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer Does Not Endorse Candidates

Steve Sailer writes: My policy is: I don’t endorse political candidates. If I were to try to set up a 501 c 3 educational charity, the nice people at the SPLC have made clear to me in the past that … Continue reading

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Why The Jewish Hostility To Donald Trump?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The Jewish hostility to Trump — not just Ezra Klein and Matt Yglesias on the left but also Jonah Goldberg and John Podhoretz, among many others, on the right — is fascinating, because in many … Continue reading

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Trump Wins New York

Comments to Steve Sailer: * These primaries with real live voters appear to be a Trump strength. * Sanders’ chance of winning the Democratic nomination–with this loss– is now zero (barring a Clinton indictment or early death from a coughing … Continue reading

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