Monthly Archives: April 2016

John Rivers: ‘We should inconvenience 99.9% of people to appease a degenerate 0.1%. Genius!’

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When Will The Goyim Wake Up?

Chaim Amalek writes: At what people do White people, and in particular the White Men who spend so much money going to NBA games, wake up from their quintessentially goyishe stupor and realize that they should not be giving these … Continue reading

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A White Nationalist With A Jewish Fetish

He writes: I agree with the majority of what WN’s believe in, I’m fairly Racist, I read and listen to a ton of Racialist Blogs and Podcasts and say RIGHT ON MAN, My Anti-Jewishness is pretty VIRULENT, yet I’m not … Continue reading

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A Personal Disclosure

From the Age of Treason blog in 2010: I have generally avoided discussing details of my personal life on this blog. I don’t wish to change that, but there is something I feel obligated to divulge. My wife’s father was … Continue reading

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Ramzpaul: Should Passover Denial Be Illegal?

Ramzpaul (who has a Jewish girlfriend, Ashley Rae Goldenberg) tweets: * Part of a heritage is shared myths and stories. No, most Jewish archaeologists don’t believe God parted the Red Sea. * I could become a Japanese citizen, but I … Continue reading

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