Monthly Archives: April 2016

Neal Gabler’s Money Problems

Comments at LOTB: * The great thing about that Atlantic article is how it turns into a humblebrag if you keep reading. First the guy’s all about his economic insecurity, then you learn: – Thinks were tight for him in … Continue reading

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The Reactionary Mind

In the New York Times Sunday, Ross Douthat says Neo-Reaction aka the Alt Right has good points to make. Twitter: “Shorter @DouthatNYT: I’m not a racist. Racism is bad. Don’t be a racist or anti-Jewish. Nobody likes a racist. Neoreaction … Continue reading

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Gender Confusion

Chaim Amalek writes: “The final solution to the elite’s mania for gender confusion is for white men to embrace it (as they should affirmative action), declare themselves women of the trans sort, and use this to take over all of … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer’s Rabbit Died

Comments: * Rabbits are fantastic animals and companions. We had one for nine years; presently we have five-year old doe. She’s a litter-trained house rabbit. She’s incredibly intelligent — rabbits are not nearly as stupid as some people think they … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: “Africa’s Camp of the Saints Probes Flash-mobbing America’s Southern Defenses”

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Vigilance by who, though? Our own government apparently wants to trade us in for a better, at least browner, model. They’re even bringing in white-collar replacements. Our factories have been shipped overseas and most endure … Continue reading

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