Monthly Archives: April 2016

Trump Breaks The Rules

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One thing that Trump did in this campaign, that has been little noticed or remarked upon, was to break the polite gentleman’s rule that you don’t make an issue of the other candidate’s funding sources. … Continue reading

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Will Israel Survive Going Haredi?

From Ruth Marcus in 2012: “We’re verging on a trajectory of Israel slipping toward a third-world economy, and a third-world economy can’t sustain a first-world military,” says Yohanan Plesner, a Kadima member who chaired a committee to rewrite the exemption. … Continue reading

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The Genius Of Moldbug (A Founder Of The Dark Enlightenment)

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Moldbug wrote extensively on the religious underpinnings of the modern progressive “mind”. If you can deal with the baroque and self-indulgent writing style, it’s a thought provoking analysis. * Some of his most valuable content … Continue reading

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Yglesias: Trump’s Northeastern Strength Represents “Who? Whom?”

From Vox: Northeastern politics is about group conflict There are two fundamental ways to look at politics. To some people, politics is ideological — it’s about big ideas, big issues, and big principles. To others, politics is about group conflict … Continue reading

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Seymour Hersh: Saudis Paid Pakistan to Hold bin Laden To Prevent U.S. Interrogation

Tyler Durden writes: In the aftermath of the most signifiant geopolitical event of my lifetime, the attacks of September 11,2001, the U.S. government proceeded to concoct a fairytale for public consumption in order to advance imperial ambitions overseas and a implement a … Continue reading

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