Monthly Archives: April 2016

‘U.S. high school seniors slip in whiteness’

WP: U.S. high school seniors slip in math and show no improvement in reading Comments: * Unless you adjust the scores for race, such results are meaningless. The headline might as well have been “U.S. high school seniors slip in … Continue reading

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Exotic Gay Black Lives Matter

New York Times: When I asked Garza about the most common misperception of Black Lives Matter, she pointed to a frequent social-media dig that it is “a gay movement masquerading as a black one.” Comments: * As a friend suggested, … Continue reading

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Why Are Rock Stars Fey?

Steve Sailer writes: Stars, of course, tend to be attention-seeking, which is not an extremely masculine trait. There’s a modest negative correlation between how much a star needs applause and his masculinity level. Broadway stars are the surest of getting … Continue reading

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Jews & Multiculturalism

A goy asks me: “Why are Jews obsessed with Identity Politics for everyone BUT my children and why do they engage in divide and conquer conduct while talking “unity & love”?” Most Jews aren’t into radical politics. Only a tiny … Continue reading

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WP: A new book portrays Hitler as a normal guy. That’s a problem for some.

Every group, and probably most every person, has the capacity for genocide. Every victimhood contains a nationalism and every form of nationalism contains the capacity for genocide. If you love something, such as your people, you will stop at nothing … Continue reading

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