Daily Archives: March 29, 2016

BBC: Israel’s Cellebrite linked to FBI’s iPhone hack attempt

Steve Sailer: Anybody ever notice that Israel’s economy seems to have a comparative advantage at snooping on other country’s phone calls? * Decrypting data stored locally on a telephone flash memory drive and intercepting phone calls are different technologies without … Continue reading

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Sailer: Do American Colleges Want Chinese to Cheat on the SAT?

Steve Sailer writes: “The College Board gives SATs in America, and then gives the exact same tests later in East Asia. It’s almost as if the American higher education system is so addicted to full tuition-paying East Asian students that … Continue reading

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Globalist Vs Nationalist

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Ted Cruz Declines To State His Fidelity To His Wife

Daily Mail: Ted Cruz declined to answer a question on Monday about whether he has ever been unfaithful to his wife Heidi. ‘Senator Cruz,’ DailyMail.com asked him, ‘can you please swat down more definitively this National Enquirer piece by telling … Continue reading

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Southern Italian town world’s ‘only white town’ after ethnic cleansing

Shocking! Some Europeans are standing up for their own identity and for keeping out those who are not a good fit. Wow, some Europeans have a sense of their own self-interest. The Guardian from 2010: Authorities remove all remaining immigrants … Continue reading

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