Daily Archives: March 25, 2016

Rabbi: After Trump at AIPAC, rejecting hate and standing up for our values

Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner is the Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism: Despite the several thousand cheering in the arena, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Jews across America reject the divisive and hurtful messages that … Continue reading

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Ferguson Effect Detractors Are Wrong

Heather Mac Donald writes: Violent crime in many American cities began rising in the second half of 2014, after two decades of decline. The Major Cities Chiefs Association convened an emergency session in August 2015 to discuss the double-digit surge … Continue reading

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The West, In the Conservatory, With A Shotgun In Its Mouth

The Journal of American Greatness: How many times since 9/11 has some pundit—some of them very learned and experienced—asserted “Here, finally, is the wakeup call that will change everything”? The calls keep coming and no one ever wakes up. Why … Continue reading

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Some people aren’t very spiritual

I was telling a friend about all the wonderful things God was doing in my life and he said, “Can you get sex with desirable women?”

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How Are You Enjoying The Vibrancy?

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