Daily Archives: March 23, 2016

Should Donald Trump Have First Amendment Rights?

Scott McConnell writes: On Sunday’s “Face the Nation,” host John Dickerson asked his press panel what the Democrats’ reaction would have been to large-scale efforts to block roads and disrupt traffic for those attending a Barack Obama rally during the … Continue reading

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The Creation Of The Book Of Esther

Two Bible scholars write: The final step for the creation of the Megillah was connecting the combined story to the (preexisting) Festival of Purim. The name Purim is based on the Akkadian word for “lots” (pūrū). Many scholars believe that … Continue reading

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Washington Post: “Horror in Brussels Is a Rebuke to Trump’s Foreign Policy”

Steve Sailer writes: “How’s NATO working out at defending the borders of Europe, anyway? Are the peoples of the North Atlantic getting their money’s worth? You know, sometimes I almost suspect that the Washington Post favors whatever foreign policy would … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz Voters Will Go Trump In The General Election

Comment: Cruz voters will go to Trump in the general election. Cruz co-opts and steals Trump’s positions and then accuses Donald of not having them. It’s amazing to watch. He really is a sleazy snake of a man, the kind … Continue reading

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The Color Of Crime

Steve Sailer writes: Earlier this month, John Rivers tweeted out his hope for the future: I dream of a world where a mid­level manager in a mid­level company can accurately quote FBI crime statistics on Facebook and not be fired. … Continue reading

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