Daily Archives: March 23, 2016

Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld: ‘Donald Trump is wicked. As a rabbi, I had to protest his AIPAC speech.’

From his op/ed in the Washington Post: This Purim, we Jews must not bow down and kneel to a man who inspires hatred. As a rabbi of an Orthodox congregation in Washington, I am a strong supporter of Israel and … Continue reading

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Is It Lion Supremacy To Care About The Survival Of This Mountain Lion?

New York Times: The problem, experts say, is that there is nowhere else for him to go. Male mountain lions fight to the death to protect their territory, and there is no suitable habitat left unclaimed in California. “It’s not … Continue reading

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LAT: To save native island animals from extinction, eradicate the uninvited guests, study finds

Sounds like a powerful argument against immigration of incompatible sub-species. Los Angeles Times: In 1894, a pregnant house cat escaped from a lighthouse on Stephens Island, New Zealand. She had her kittens in the wild, where they went feral. Within … Continue reading

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How to sleep without crunching your shoulders


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The Trump Spring

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