Daily Archives: March 22, 2016

Europe’s Fear Of ‘Islamophobia’ Led Directly To The Belgium Attacks

From The Federalist: These attacks come five months after the Paris attacks that shocked the world and took the lives of 130 men and women. These terrorists had pledged their allegiance to ISIS and were carrying out what they believed … Continue reading

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Thanks Hillary!

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Letter From A Los Angeles High School

Link: Dear Hillary, I attended L.A. public schools for about half a school year, back during forced busing in the early 1970s….. Never once, not ONE TIME, did I see a white student harass, intimidate, or humiliate a black student. … Continue reading

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WP: Why security experts called Donald Trump’s response to the Belgium attacks ‘preposterous’

Washington Post: “First of all, we have a much, much tougher refugee program than the Europeans have,” Chertoff said. “The problem the Europeans have is people showed up on their doorstep — hundreds of thousands, coming directly from the region. … Continue reading

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Reviews Of The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Perhaps it is not intrinsically that Metro is so horrible but that many of the people who use it are particularly horrible, and most of the bus drivers are surly. Reviews on Google: * US has done a better job … Continue reading

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