Daily Archives: March 13, 2016

Ben Shapiro On Dennis Prager

A friend says: Last Thursday Shapiro was on Dennis Prager’s show explaining the reasons he would never support Trump. It was amazing to hear how Shapiro was talking about devoting his whole life to the conservative movement only to see … Continue reading

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Economist Russell Roberts: Do You Care At All About The Chinese Escape From Poverty?

I care less about China’s welfare than I do about America’s welfare. I reply to Russell Roberts: “China is our enemy. As they grow richer, they threaten the countries around them and US power. China cannot rise peacefully.” “You say … Continue reading

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Mexican Flag Raised in Chicago; ‘We Stopped Trump!’

Joel Pollak writes: Protesters raised a Mexican flag in celebration after Donald Trump’s planned rally in Chicago on Friday night was canceled, according to news reports. The Wall Street Journal reported: Cheers went up among many protesters when the announcement … Continue reading

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Calling Trump ‘Hitler’ Is Calling For His Assassination

From a conversation on Twitter: SemiAntite posts: #JewishPrivilege is amazing, so many openly calling for the murder of presidential front runner w/no worries Dov Bear: I call BS on “many” LukeFord: Calling Trump ‘Hitler’ is calling for his assassination. No … Continue reading

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Instapundit Glenn Reynolds: ‘YEAH, THIS IS A LOAD OF CRAP: Trump campaign claims Michelle Fields is ‘attention seeking’ and her story ‘entirely false.’ Trump needs to fire Corey Lewandowski.’

More here. Glenn Reynolds looks like an idiot now that we have video of the incident. Breitbart reporter accused of ‘crying wolf’ after new video is released Breitbart News reporter Michelle Fields has received mountains of attention this week over … Continue reading

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