Daily Archives: March 6, 2016

Why Are People Voting Trump?

Steve Sailer writes: It’s crucial that Presidential candidates be carefully vetted by insiders. It’s just not prudent for the public to be allowed to support some flash-in-the-pan who has been in the public eye since the late 1970s. Instead, the … Continue reading

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Incentives and Food Stamps

Harvard economist George J. Borjas writes: The one thing that economics teaches us over and over again–and the one lesson that those who don’t like the implications ignore over and over again as well–is that incentives matter. Robert Rector and … Continue reading

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Why Is High-Skill Immigration Beneficial?

Harvard economist George J. Borjas writes: A few days ago I was having a discussion about high-skill immigration with some people who should know better. It suddenly struck me that even though everyone favors more high-skill immigration, there is a … Continue reading

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High Immigration Levels Brings Wealth To The Protect At The Expense Of The Unprotected

Harvard economist George J. Borjas writes: I’ve been watching the civil war over immigration in the Republican party with ever-increasing interest. And let’s be honest–this really is a war for the soul of the party as there is almost nothing … Continue reading

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High-Skill Immigration: Experimental Evidence

Harvard economics professor George J. Borjas writes: A couple of weeks ago I promised to summarize the evidence on whether high-skill immigration generates the productivity spillovers that would produce large economic gains for natives. I apologize for taking so long … Continue reading

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