Monthly Archives: March 2016

Donald Trump’s Will To Power

If the military fall in behind Trump, he can do anything. If he appoints conservative southern whites to run the military, they will support a Trump reign to the hilt. If I were in the MSM, I’d be a tad … Continue reading

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Do Jews Surf?

Is that a traditional Jewish practice? In LA, it seems like many of the Jews surf. In New York, Jews don’t surf. Either you learn or you earn. No playtime allowed. That’s for goyim. I worry about this Trump thing. … Continue reading

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Lead Lowers IQ Levels, Mexican Immigration Lowers America’s Average IQ

I hear news about Flint, Michigan, all the time, about how the lead in the drinking water can lead to lower IQs and how horrible that is. In this type of story, the MSM displays no doubts about the importance … Continue reading

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Donald Trump Was Not An Approved Option!

These goyim think they can just elect whomever they want! Goyim get to pick one from APPROVED options. This is NOT acceptable. Trump was never an approve option! We run America and we will tell you who you can choose. … Continue reading

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Coming Out As A Gay Woman Talmud Teacher

I suspect a higher percentage of women who are into Talmud (or sports) are lesbians than of woman as a whole. I suspect a higher percentage of female rabbis are lesbians than of women as a whole. If somebody violates … Continue reading

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