Monthly Archives: March 2016

Steve Sailer: ‘Why does the reporter assume that there’s something tragic about young Keith Frazier not getting much of an education?’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Because liberals view higher education institutions as socializing/indoctrination centers that churn out people with the correct beliefs and people who are properly socialized and who won’t turn to anti-social activities like crime. * The real … Continue reading

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Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN

REPORT: According to UN projections, Sweden will be a much poorer country by 2030, much worse than what anyone in the Swedish government indicates. The UN report HDI (Human Development Index) predicts a significant decrease in Swedish prosperity, unlike their … Continue reading

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Hands up! Don’t Shoah!

* Some goyim raised their hand at a Trump rally. I’m so very triggered. * So unfair to help Germany transition to her new multicultural Muslim status and not include Austria in the fun! * These goyim think they can … Continue reading

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National Review Advocates Committing A Crime To Stop Donald Trump

Comment: This seems like a pretty big deal to me. National Review has published an article by John Fund that urges Republican delegates to commit a misdemeanor in order to deny Donald Trump the Republican nomination: “If Donald Trump won’t … Continue reading

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Indians Are Nice

AP: “In its request for consultation, India alleges the U.S. had increased fees for temporary visas in December, officials said. It argues that as a result, some Indians receive unfair treatment compared with Americans in the United States in providing … Continue reading

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