Monthly Archives: March 2016

Intelligence Is Largely Heritable

Dr. James Thompson writes: Differences between countries with the lowest and highest ability levels are large. For example, in TIMSS 2011, 4th grade Yemeni pupils achieved 209 student assessment study (SAS) points, whereas South Korean pupils achieved 587 SAS points. … Continue reading

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The Heartbeat Of Crime

Dr. James Thompson writes: The conclusion was that adolescents with low resting heart rate were more likely to go on to commit crimes, including violent crimes, possibly because they did not get too fussed when attacking others. Cool, calm, collected … Continue reading

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There Are Probably No Cognitive Benefits to Bilingualism

Razib Khan writes: About one week ago I wrote about bilingual education, and I admitted my mild skepticism about the research about the benefits of bilingualism. A friend emailed me and wondered why I was only “mildly skeptical.” Partly I … Continue reading

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To Kill A Mockingbird

Comments: To Kill a Mockingbird was very heavily fictionalized account of Harper Lee’s real lawyer and journalist father. It was written and rewritten to suit the left-wing New York literary tastes of the times. In reality Harper Lee’s lawyer father … Continue reading

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Will Ireland Give Away Their Land To Immigrants?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If the contemporary Irish I’ve met are any indication, the Irish seem intent on giving away their country in a few years. Tiz a puzzlement. If you’ve fought for something for about a thousand years … Continue reading

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