Monthly Archives: March 2016

What Causes Terrorism?

Comments: * The common denominator is Islam. That is the take home message. No Muslims, little or no terror. So let’s not waste time trying to figure out who among the Muslim population is likely to blow people to bits. … Continue reading

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How Is Israel So Good At Eavesdropping?

Comments: * BBC is reporting that an Israeli firm was the key player in the unlocking. * Anybody ever notice that Israel’s economy seems to have a comparative advantage at snooping on other country’s phone calls? * The fact that … Continue reading

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Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt

The rabbi (president of the Conference of European Rabbis) writes in favor of inclusivity and diversity in 2014 (though he does not push for these values in the Jewish state of Israel): Some outlets have reported that moderators on French … Continue reading

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The 24 Types Of Anti-White

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Conservative Female Media Ask Trump to Fire Campaign Manager

Mike Cernovitch tweets: “The gender card is being played. It’s wrong, but we are used to this. Now “conservative” women are doing it!” REPORT: Donald Trump should immediately fire Corey Lewandowski following the battery charge lodged against his campaign manager … Continue reading

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