Monthly Archives: March 2016

Steve Sailer: Marco Rubio Denounces Freedom of Speech

Steve Sailer: From the Washington Post: “This is what a culture and a society looks like when everybody says whatever the heck they want, when everyone just goes around saying ‘I’m just going to speak my mind,’” Rubio said at … Continue reading

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Ben Shapiro Used To Support Free Speech

From May 2, 2014: On Thursday, TruthRevolt Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro appeared on The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly to share his personal concerns about the possible slippery slope of the NBA slapping a lifetime ban on Clipper’s owner Donald Sterling … Continue reading

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The push for eventual assassination moves forward with an understanding nod from the NYT

The MSM is whipping up the hysteria that Trump is Hitler and so of course people are going to try to kill Trump. New York Times: In foreboding conversations across the political world this past year, a bipartisan chorus warned … Continue reading

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Feminism & The Pill

Comments: * I was there and suffered the full force of the beginnings of the feminist PMS movement. My first wife dove in head-first, literally, when the pill became available in the mid-sixties. She informed me she was her ‘own’ … Continue reading

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Republican Debate Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer: * [Andrew] Jackson is bad because he was mean to the Native americans and Trump is also bad because he is nice to the native Americans. * To expand on my comments in the earlier thread … Continue reading

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