Monthly Archives: March 2016

The Michelle Fields Pursuit Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump is the American Putin. I hope he inspires the German people to seek a similar sort of leader. From the Chateau: Comments: * So is the Journo-Slut accusing Lewandowsky of “touching” her, actually touching the Trump himself in … Continue reading

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A Paleoconservative Woman Reader Asks “Will Neocons And SJWs Ruin Breitbart, Too?”

From VDARE: From: A Paleoconservative Woman [Email her] Some thoughts upon discovering that the latest SJW drama stars histrionic Breitbart (!) employee and Fox News neocon narcissist Michelle Fields… the words of Macbeth come immediately to mind: “it is a … Continue reading

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Trump Supporters Are Populists, Not Authoritarians

A source says: Trump supporters are not authoritarians, but populists and then the article (by social scientists) explains the difference. Cruz’s supporters are authoritarians. Sanders supporters are more populists, but they are not patriotic. The authors conclude they are cosmopolitan … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Violence Against the Trump Rally Was Part of the Safe Spaces Movement

Steve Sailer writes: From the Los Angeles Times below is an article that makes evident how the violence against the Trump rally in Chicago was part of the ongoing Safe Spaces campus movement, such as the Yale freakout over Halloween … Continue reading

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Attempted attack on Donald Trump at Dayton Ohio March 12, 2016

The judge let the attacker out on bail. Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve, it’s prudent for the media if a Trump assassination is what they want to have happen. If they get their wish… I am having to self … Continue reading

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