Monthly Archives: March 2016

Haaretz: Why America Has a Trump and Israel Doesn’t

David Rosenberg writes: The Donald appeals to the American underclass that’s been ignored. In Israel, those with grievances are the middle class and they prefer more respectable protest candidates. Some say Netanyahu is Israel’s Trump. Just like The Donald, Bibi’s … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Feminine Side

Much of what Donald Trump has said and done has struck me as bad. I don’t like it that he takes every criticism personally. He says things that make me wince. He’s often gauche. And yet Trump is sailing to … Continue reading

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Better Call Saul S2E5

There’s a surly black clerk in the latest episode who reminds me of some of the blacks who staff the Los Angeles Superior Court system. Lawyers tell me that they treat other blacks better. For non-black lawyers, however, the service … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Vs Rush Limbaugh

I think I first heard Rush Limbaugh on KPFK in the fall of 1985 (I was 19). He was fine. He was like a disc jockey of conservative talk radio. He was entertaining and he shared most of my political … Continue reading

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The Life Cycle Of The Blogger

Bloggers start out with exuberance. The hits come in, and the attention and the emails, and the growing circle of acquaintances. At first you get many detractors, but if your work blazes new ground, if you make a contribution, you … Continue reading

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