Monthly Archives: March 2016

The Unorthodox Orthodox Rabbi

A woman writes me: He and I were communicating via email and facebook for a brief time at the same time as I was going through a divorce also. However, he and I stopped talking and did not speak again … Continue reading

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The biggest difference between whites and blacks

From the half-Japanese, half-white blogger Just Not Said: Many people think that the biggest difference between the races is intelligence. But differences between the races go beyond that; whites with IQ’s of 85 simply don’t act like blacks. The biggest … Continue reading

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George Will – Nerd & Big Man

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A CPAC or three or so ago [George Will] was the keynote speaker and I wound up in his immediate vicinity before the dinner plates came out. What struck me, aside from his tall height, … Continue reading

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The White Vote

Comments to Steve Sailer: * One thing reporters never do when they disparage white voters is to thank them for giving us a functioning democracy. The fact that an all-time blowout of the total white vote for one side was … Continue reading

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Election Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If he quadruples the Border Patrol (Democrats like increasing the number of Federal employees) and adds the élan of a Teddy Roosevelt like contingent of mounted Border Patrol agents in the areas where a physical … Continue reading

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