Monthly Archives: March 2016

Politico/Religious Madness

Rob emails: Dear Mr. Ford, Let us assume that there is a modicum of historical accuracy in the Authorized Biographies (a.k.a. “Gospels,” both Canonical and not) of Y’shua bar Joseph ha Nazir. To this “Pagan,” he comes across as delusional. … Continue reading

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The 1488 Crowd

From Breitbart: Anything associated as closely with racism and bigotry as the alternative right will inevitably attract real racists and bigots. Calmer members of the alternative right refer darkly to these people as the “1488ers,” and for all their talk … Continue reading

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The Intellectual Case For Trump

Mytheos Holt writes: I’m no white nationalist (in fact, being Jewish, I’m pretty sure I’m disqualified), and I regard the ideology with just as much disgust as I do every other form of radical identity politics. That being said, I … Continue reading

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The Trump Doctrine: Peace Through Strength

Professor Peter Navarro writes: Those who insist Donald Trump has no foreign policy are simply not listening. The “Trump Doctrine” is a page right out of Ronald Reagan’s playbook: peace through economic and military strength. Trump knows the key to … Continue reading

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The Desert Fox

Comment: British Army veteran author Desmond Morris wrote The Desert Fox whose cinema adaptation starred James Mason in the title role. The book and film are utterly apologetic, flattering portraits of Rommel that are completely and deliberately ignorant of the … Continue reading

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