Monthly Archives: March 2016

Liberal Teacher Takes In Muslim Refugee, His Colleague Finds What’s Left Of Him

REPORT: A leftist professor decided to put into practice his own liberal “open doors” policy, feeding and housing a poor Muslim refugee in his own home. However, when his colleague showed up to find out why he wasn’t at work, … Continue reading

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Decorated Iraq vet whose bravery was immortalized in a statue ‘attacked in hate crime’: Marine says he was beaten and robbed by teens who asked him if ‘black lives matter’ as he ate in McDonald’s

Daily Mail: An Iraq war veteran whose bravery inspired two statues says he was beaten by a group of teens in Washington, DC on Friday night after they approached and asked him whether ‘black lives matter’. Chris Marquez, 30, a … Continue reading

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British Man Arrested For Questioning Muslim Woman About Terrorism

From the WSJ: LONDON—A British man who sent a Twitter message about challenging a Muslim woman over the Brussels attacks has been charged with inciting racial hatred, London police said Friday. Matthew Doyle, a 46 year old public relations executive … Continue reading

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The Tovia Singer Show

Tamar Leah Miller tells me: I was a listener to The Tovia Singer Show, the Temple Mount Show with R Singer and Jeremy Gimpel and the tnt Tamar and Tovia show and would frequent the virtual studio beginning in July … Continue reading

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How Come Nobody Cries About Goy Flight?

Comments: “Blockbusting still happens in NJ. Lakewood is an Orthodox Jewish town with voting blocs big enough so that they, directed by their leaders, can swing close gubernatorial elections whichever way they want. It’s politically untouchable. And recently, after bankrupting … Continue reading

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