Daily Archives: February 28, 2016

Trump-Effect: Fox News Channel’s Brand Takes 50% Hit Among Republicans

John Nolte writes: Just last week, a years-long tradition came to a screeching halt. “You want me to put it on Fox News,” I asked my wife. “No,” she replied. “I’m done with Fox News.” My job is to monitor … Continue reading

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White Man’s Burden

A mate of mine has taken on the white man’s burden and given an abo a job, but it has been an endless nightmare. The abo can’t find his birth certificate, can’t open a bank account, can’t access his tax … Continue reading

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Malcolm Turnbull under pressure after George Christensen likens Safe Schools program to paedophile grooming

The Sydney Morning Herald: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is under pressure to slap down a conservative Coalition MP who has likened the Safe Schools anti-bullying program to grooming undertaken by sexual predators. Outspoken Queensland backbencher George Christensen on Thursday claimed … Continue reading

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Republican Establishment’s Open Borders Lifeboat Sinking with Rubio

Tom Tancredo writes: The establishment media won’t tell you this Tuesday, but the Republican Party civil war is over and the establishment lost. Both of the remaining front-runners, Trump and Cruz, are outsiders, and the insider, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)79% … Continue reading

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Another Jewish Neo-Con Panics About Donald Trump

Eliot A. Cohen writes: How on earth did this happen? Some, like Robert Kagan, think it is solely the result of a prolonged self-poisoning of the Republican Party. A number of shrewd writers—David Frum, Tucker Carlson, Ben Domenech, Charles Murray, … Continue reading

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