Daily Archives: February 3, 2016

Let’s Talk About The Khardashians

I had a very dispiriting conversation with a middle aged Swedish man. He tells me that now, when he returns to visit Sweden, he is afraid. Not of Muslims, but of all those blond haired blue eyed people. They represent … Continue reading

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FailedMessiah.com Sold

David Kelsey writes on FB: My friend Shmarya Rosenberg has sold his website Failed Messiah, and will no longer be blogging. I’ve known this since earlier today when he told me, but waited to post about it because 1) he … Continue reading

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Top German Journalist Admits Live On Air National News Agenda Set By Government

A diverse society has to become more censored or it will implode. From Breitbart: A retired media boss at a major German state broadcaster has admitted his network and others take orders from the government on what — and what … Continue reading

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Cohesion Vs Diversity

You can either have a cohesive society with high social trust or a diverse society filled with distrust. The only way to run a country with low social trust is with lots of laws and regulations. As America has become … Continue reading

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