Monthly Archives: February 2016

So when will realists endorse Donald Trump?

Professor Daniel Drezner writes for the Washington Post: The big story, however, is that Trump and his advisers think of themselves as stone-cold realists: Trump’s narrow definition of “national interest” does not include things like democracy promotion, humanitarian intervention, the … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s America-First Doctrine

From Bloomberg: Sources close to the campaign told me Trump has also spoken with controversial historian Daniel Pipes and Israel’s current envoy to the UN Danny Danon, among others. Sources close to the campaign tell me that Trump’s foreign policy … Continue reading

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Was Gandhi A White Supremacist?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Mahatma Gandhi was arguably a white supremacist. Gandhi’s rise to fame was in South Africa fighting for rights for wealthy Indians. He firmly believed, “that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating … Continue reading

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Gay Porn Kingpin Takes on LGBT Boycott Israel Movement

Makes me proud to be Jewish. Who would have thought there were Jews in porn? From Breitbart: TEL AVIV – The boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement targeting Israel is nothing more than old fashioned anti-Semitism disguised as political activism, … Continue reading

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What Happened To Trump?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A poll conducted a couple of days ago and an entrance poll at the caucases today showed Trump leading, but he’s losing the actual caucus vote. It’s hard to admit being for Trump in public. … Continue reading

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