Monthly Archives: February 2016

Heroin: Only Trump Doesn’t Blame America First.

Ann Coulter writes: Any politician who claims to care about the drug overdose deaths sweeping the nation, but does not demand that we build a wall, deport illegal aliens and end the anchor baby scam, is a liar. In 2014, … Continue reading

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‘Beat The Crap Out Of Brady!’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The more you think about what Trump says, the more unreasonable it is. Take the case in point: his calling for the crowd to batter anyone who lifts a tomato against him. That isn’t reasonable … Continue reading

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How Christian Should American Politicians Be?

Lisa Schiffren writes on FB: “I was really put off by Rubio’s Catholic schoolboy interjection about how there is only one savior and he is JC who came to earth and died for our sins, at the debate last week. … Continue reading

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Is Jewish Media For Jews Only?

Comment: The Jewish Telegraphic Agency, at, is not “intended for the private consumption of Jews.” Nor are most communal Jewish papers, which get by on advertising dollars. The Jewish Journal, which publishes more Stormfront-fodder than JTA, has (or at … Continue reading

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Wayne Madsen: Marco Rubio Gay Homosexual Duplicity Update — with Photos

Comment: “Wayne Madsen, who broke the Dennis Hastert gay pedophile scandal story about 10 years before Hastert got caught, reports on Marco Rubio’s proclivities:” REPORT: Republican insiders have reported to WMR that Florida Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio was, … Continue reading

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