Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Unending Influence of O.J. Simpson’s White Bronco Chase

Steve Sailer writes: Being a Los Angeles helicopter pilot traffic reporter, such as Chopper Tim above, is one of the more marginal forms of celebrity, ranking down there with being a 1970s Olympic hero. Perhaps it’s not surprising that veteran … Continue reading

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The Trial Of The Century

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Nah, the Fatty Arbuckle trial was just as big – if not bigger – back in the 1920s. It sold vast forests’ worth of scandal sheets. There was no doubt that Arbuckle savagely raped that … Continue reading

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Israel’s Unwanted African Migrants

Kathy Harcombe, BBC News, February 3, 2016 For nearly a year Israel has been offering African migrants cash and the chance to go and live in what is supposed to be a safe haven in a third country–but the BBC … Continue reading

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Trump’s Unwelcome Support: White Supremacists

Scott Bronstein and Drew Griffin, CNN, February 5, 2016: New Hampshire voters may be stunned to hear the latest robocall asking for their vote; it’s from white nationalists with a simple, disturbing message. “We don’t need Muslims. We need smart, … Continue reading

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Are Jews commanded to “repair the world” or to repair the Jews?

Steven Plaut writes: “The central mitzvah or commandment for our era is the mitzvah of Tikkun Olam. It is the defining mission of Jews to strive for the repair of the world by making society more just, fair, egalitarian, and … Continue reading

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