Monthly Archives: February 2016

NYT Frank Bruni: If Donald Trump Changed Genders

What kind of sick mind would get a column out of imagining Donald Trump as a woman? From Wikipedia: Frank Anthony Bruni (born October 31, 1964) is an American journalist. He was the chief restaurant critic of the New York … Continue reading

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I Don’t Know Any White Supremacists

Who’s a white supremacist? David Duke? Does David Duke believe that whites are superior to Asians at chemistry? Does David Duke believe that whites are superior to blacks at basketball and rap? Does David Duke believe that Europeans are superior … Continue reading

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ADL to provide Trump, other candidates info on extremists

What if the more Americans find out about David Duke and other white warriors, the more they like them? From the Times of Israel: Anti-Defamation League said it will provide all presidential candidates with information on extremists and hate groups … Continue reading

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Are there a disproportionate number of gay Jews?

I noticed in the porn industry that all sexual norms tended to break down, and that differences between straight and gay often got obliterated. It seemed like many of the “straight” guy porn stars also did gay stuff on the … Continue reading

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An Elegantly Concise Racial Classification System

From the Chateau: High IQ, High T (Europeans) – Men: die Herrenvolk – Women: virtuous, inspiring High IQ, Low T (East Asians) – Men: diligent, passive – Women: cash register for soul Low IQ, High T (Africans) – Men: virile, … Continue reading

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