Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Ultimate Minority Right

Comments to Steve Sailer: * A very, very good article Steve. Of course, what you said about the US applies to all our countries now. What really adds insult to injury is that these globalists assume we’ll all be good … Continue reading

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The View From Cyprus

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I am in Turkish Cyprus at the moment. It is poorer than the Greek part of the island, but it has many, many more non-European immigrants, especially Black Africans and Pakistanis. Does any one know … Continue reading

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The Return Of The Dreaded Stomach Flu

I came down with a killer flu Sunday night (which stunned me as I thought I had just gotten over one a week before). I was vomiting Monday and Tuesday, couldn’t even keep down water, so I was getting dehydrated … Continue reading

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New Hampshire Primary Open Thread

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “I think we should amend the Constitution to limit election campaigns to 6 weeks like they do in Canada.” That’s fine for silly little countries pretending to govern themselves like Canada or France or Britain. … Continue reading

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Ted Nugent Tackles Jewish Support For Gun Control

Ted Nugent posts on FB: Know these punks. They hate freedom, they hate good over evil, they would deny us the basic human right to self defense & to KEEP & BEAR ARMS while many of them have tax paid … Continue reading

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