Monthly Archives: February 2016

Review: In ‘My Father, the Pornographer,’ Chris Offutt Opens Up

Jennifer Senior writes: You have to wonder whether Andy Offutt’s furious, sadistic imagination also explains his sadism toward his children. Porn may not have been outlet enough. (He frequently told his son that were it not for pornography, he’d have … Continue reading

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James Deen Turns 30

Jack* emails: Porn superstar James Deen turned 30 this week. That doesn’t exactly put him in Peyton Manning territory, but he’s gotta be contemplating what’s next. He failed at mainstream films, and is the target of sexual abuse allegations. His … Continue reading

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How Do I Reconcile My Affection For The Dark Enlightenment With Orthodox Judaism?

Dark Enlightenment tweets: “@lukeford good interview w @SOBL1 I applaud your honesty, how can you reconcile your conversion & Alt right views? You’re a goy to Haredi.” I tweet back: “Easy. Ethno-Nationalism for everyone, including Jews. I want nothing for … Continue reading

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Do Whites Have A Future In The Democratic Party?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If I was a Democratic party bigwig, I’d be terrified of this stuff — how stuff you said 20 years ago in a completely different political environment could come back and haunt you for being … Continue reading

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Is This The Archetypal Alpha Male Body Language?

From the Chateau: A reader offers this photo of the Lion Trump as evidence of perfect alpha male body language. Everything from the posture, to the stride, to the body language, to the insouciant look on his face screams alpha … Continue reading

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