Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Supreme Court Lifestyle

Steve Sailer writes: About a decade ago, a friend of mine who is a big time senior lawyer in an Anglosphere country invited me to attend a series of symposiums and social events he was hosting for two visiting U.S. … Continue reading

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Be The Man Women Desire And Men Admire

From the Chateau: COTW winner is “anonymous”, revealing why it’s important that an alt-right leader of men also be a leader of ladies. (Trump being the most obvious exemplar.) as a mid twentys young man who could be considered a … Continue reading

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Russell Kirk—the Conservative Giant That Conservatism Inc. Wants to Forget

Paul Gottfried writes: He was once credited as the leading figure of the “Conservative Intellectual Movement” (to borrow George Nash’s phrase) but today Conservatism Inc. wants to keep Russell Kirk in obscurity. Luckily,Bradley Birzer, the Russell Amos Kirk Professor of … Continue reading

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WP: What that Cruz-Rubio ‘He doesn’t speak Spanish’ thing was about

The worst writer for The Fix at the Washington Post is Janell Ross. Nobody would care about Mexicans speaking Spanish in America if they did it in private while displaying fluency in English in public. Unfortunately, many Mexican-Americans tend to … Continue reading

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Bang Poland: How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland

I used the “Look Inside” feature at and found zero mentions of “Auschwitz” in this book and zero mentions of “Holocaust.” What on earth was he talking to these Polish girls about? According to the reviews: * I’ve … Continue reading

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